Eglinton Primary School and Early Year Centre




We are a welcoming, inclusive and culturally diverse community. We build positive, long lasting relationships and provide continual care, advice and support for our families. We support each individual; providing a safe and inspiring community for all.

We strive to create an inclusive environment in whcih every child can fulfill their potential.

We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual or groups of pupils. This includes the implementation of SEN support plans using an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, intervention timetables and personalised plans to support social emotional and mental health needs.

At Eglinton the Inclusion Team comprises of:

Bryony Scudamore (SENCO)

Olivia Tadrous (Deputy Head for Inclusion)

Kate Milligan (Home School Liaison Officer)

We work closely with outside agencies to ensure the best provision for our pupils. This includes services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology and ASD Outreach. We have also commissions a counsellor to work with us on a weekly basis to support the emotional well-being of our pupils. School also buy into CAMHS Early Intervention Team to support families.


Royal Borough of Greenwich Local Offer

To view the SEND Policy and Information Report, please follow the link to our Policies page


Local Offer Newsletters can be found on our Newsletters page
